Flotte! Der Branchentreff “Fleet! The “industry meeting” on the 26th and 27st. March 2025 in Düsseldorf.
On the 26th + 27st In March 2024 it will be that time again: “Fleet! The “industry meeting” is entering the next round. The focus of our event is on discussions, networking, the specialist program and of course the exhibition.
Especially in the fleet industry, nothing replaces personal contact. Networking is only possible in person.
Over 300 exhibitors and more than 2,000 real fleet decision-makers on over 20,000 square meters at the last “Fleet! The industry meeting” speaks for itself. Almost everyone of any standing – on the provider or customer side – was there at the fleet industry’s “class reunion”: In total, we were able to welcome over 5,000 experts from the industry. The fleet is becoming increasingly attractive, especially for larger fleets.
Your team from “Fleet! The industry meeting”